Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

         So, this (again) is a continued post of my Taipei and Shenzhen entry. If you did not read either of them, you can find them down here somewhere

        So anyway, after you read my other stuff you'll find out about my travels. After we were all packed from Shenzhen, we took the plane to Hong Kong. It was like a half-hour ride. Pretty short, huh? I'm gonna explain this so don't leave any comments saying "why this" and "why that". Hong Kong was owned by England for 100 years. And now 100 years is over, but they still do the same things. When you visit Hong Kong, you'll see that they drive on the right side of the car, and when they're on the road, they'll drive on the left side of the street. It's pretty strange, but England, Australia, and some other countries do that too. It's like we americans are the oddball. So the hotel I was at is called "Regal The Orentinal Hotel". The hotel was rated *** (three stars). We only stayed there for 2 days. We didn't get to see much.  But something we did do was visit Ocean Park. Ocean Park is like Sea World in San Diego, CA. One thing I forgot to mention was that we actually stayed in Kowloon, and we took the ferry to Hong Kong. Hong Kong could relate to some big city like New York or Chicago. The main island of Hong Kong has many neon lights. If you didn't know before, Hong Kong is made of one big island, many small islands, and one peninsula. I only got to see the main island and the peninsula. So when we went home, everyone thought that that place was the best out of all.

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